Enter your name and email address below to get your free PDF copy of Jan Luther’s book, “The Conversation FORMULA.”

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Once you confirm, you’ll receive a second email that will contain your PDF copy of “The Conversation FORMULA.”

I wanted to think of a free gift for you that would really give you a sense of my heart and my passion for loving on people and bringing the heart of Creator Father God into our experience.

So, as your free gift, I’m offering you an e-book that I wrote at the beginning of this year called “The CONVERSATION F.O.R.M.U.L.A.”

It’s an unusual topic for me to write about. While I do a lot of coaching and training of business owners and practitioners who have to master this skill, I also have a sense that God has a much higher purpose.

Let me share from the introduction of the book:

I asked God why on earth he wanted my first project of 2023 to be writing this little instruction manual.

My focus for the past several years has been helping people to renew their minds and restore their joy by healing past trauma, grief and brokenheartedness.

Very simply, He said in my spirit:

“People need to learn how to have deep conversations with one another before they can have intimate conversations with me!”

I hope this book inspires you to open your heart and to reach out and make new friends every chance you get. I promise you it will make your life much more joyful. ~ Jan

The Conversation Formula by Jan Luther

Enter your name and email address below to get your free PDF copy of Jan Luther’s book, “The Conversation FORMULA.”

Upon submitting your name and email address, you’ll receive an email asking you to confirm your request. (Check your spam or junk mail folder if you don’t see the email in your inbox.)

Once you confirm, you’ll receive a second email that will contain your PDF copy of “The Conversation FORMULA.”