Spring 2025 Mentoring and Coaching Program Registration

As we prepare for our time together, we would love to get to know you better. Please take a couple of minutes to fill out the registration form below. Once you submit your registration, the payment page will open where you can start your monthly subscription.

Required information is identified
with a red asterisk (*)

Spring 2025 Mentoring and Coaching Program Registration
Are you on Facebook?
Have you ever worked with Jan Luther? (If so, please check all that apply.)
Which option below best describes your learning style?
Which of the following do you find most helpful for ensuring you stay engaged and complete all of your classes?
If there were prizes and rewards for progress and completion, I think I'd most enjoy (choose one):
Disclaimer: Jan works with mentally stable but emotionally weary clients and students, providing coaching, education, and spiritual guidance to help them navigate personal growth and transformation. Her services are not a substitute for medical, psychological, or psychiatric care and she does not diagnose or treat physical or mental health conditions. Clients and students are responsible for their own well-being and are encouraged to seek professional medical advice when needed. Any techniques or insights shared are intended for personal empowerment and spiritual development, not clinical intervention.
By engaging with Jan and her programs at The Overcomers Academy, clients and students acknowledge that they are mentally stable and seeking support for emotional resilience rather than psychiatric treatment.

In addition to agreement with the Disclaimer, your participation in this program requires that you agree to comply with its agreements.

Those four (4) agreements are:

1. We give you permission to think differently than we do.

2. We encourage you to use your name/title for your Creator/Father God/Mother God. Just like you may call your father Papa or Paw and I call my father Daddy. We honor and include a variety of titles for everyone. Our thought is, “I’m not concerned with what you call Divine Creator God as long as you keep calling.”

3. You agree to offer the same respect, grace and compassion to every other member of The Overcomers Academy.

4. You agree that what is discussed in The Overcomers Academy stays in The Overcomers Academy. We will respect your privacy and expect you to do the same for others by not sharing any information, links, photos or access to your calls and recordings that we provide to you as part of this program.

By checking the button below and providing my signature, I am indicating that I have read and agree to the Disclaimer and agree to comply with the four (4) agreements listed above.

Woo hoo!

Only a couple of IMPORTANT steps left for completing your registration!

Once you hit the "Submit My Application" button below, a couple of things are going to happen:

1. A PayPal payment page will open where you can pay for your subscription.

2. Once you've paid for the program and your application has been accepted, we'll add you to the membership for this program at The Overcomers Academy. (NOTE: If you have participated in a program at The Overcomers Academy in the past, it may ask you to use your current login information.)

You will know that your registration has successfully processed when you receive the Welcome Email from us. That welcome email will also contain your Welcome Package as a PDF attachment. The welcome email and package will contain all the information you'll want to know about this program at The Overcomers Academy!

If you have any issues with registering, please feel free to email Michael at info@theovercomersacademy.org.